Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break and Updates

Hey, it looks like we've made it to Spring Break No School. This means we'll have time right? RIGHT? ..... No, not really sorry guys. We might have a bit of breathing time (unlikely) so for now you'll all have to deal with our picture spam as the comic for this is still heavily in the works.

Naming Update: So, I changed Arow's name because in both the reading and writing for this it becomes confusing with Arthur's name. Her new name is now Kimi Uchida. For people wondering, yes Kimi is from Japan. I hope you guys are praying for Japan, they still really need it.

and now your reward for listening to me blather about our outside lives. ART!...literally.

An Arthur Plushie D:, come on who wouldn't want one of these guys. ;w; I so would. Sorry he's blank we haven't really talked about color scams for anyone except Kimi.

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