Thursday, March 24, 2011

apartment layout 1

A lot of times when your doing a comic it's very helpful for you to have a basic layout of your building. Some people go to great lengths to get this done and have even been known to build models from paper, cardboard or via digital.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So, Geo is a hard ass. A Lot.
but i think something just found his weak spot! :D

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Morning guys~

Today you get to meet Ross, Jacob's 4 year old son. Ross's mother is a fawn and he has the same fawn like qualities she does!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Good morning everyone, I hope you're enjoying the first real day of Spring break! :D..../goes off to work more/

This is just a sketch for Kimi. By Elary this time! Have a great day!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dino rides

So, you know how a lot of zoo's give camel rides? These are A LOT better!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break and Updates

Hey, it looks like we've made it to Spring Break No School. This means we'll have time right? RIGHT? ..... No, not really sorry guys. We might have a bit of breathing time (unlikely) so for now you'll all have to deal with our picture spam as the comic for this is still heavily in the works.

Naming Update: So, I changed Arow's name because in both the reading and writing for this it becomes confusing with Arthur's name. Her new name is now Kimi Uchida. For people wondering, yes Kimi is from Japan. I hope you guys are praying for Japan, they still really need it.

and now your reward for listening to me blather about our outside lives. ART!...literally.

An Arthur Plushie D:, come on who wouldn't want one of these guys. ;w; I so would. Sorry he's blank we haven't really talked about color scams for anyone except Kimi.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I think by far Arthur is my favorite character. And the kind of guy I hope to marry someday myself. He's smart, cute and cuddly! ....and sort of reminds me of Superman in this pose XD!

Happy spring brake to everyone that gets it this week and sorry for the people whos brake is almost over D:!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Don't you hate it when..

Don't you hate it when this happens...

...Happens all the time around here. More sketches to come guys! I'm still working on the first chapter its going along pretty well :D!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sexy boys

Morning, well we had some antices last night that turned out to be pretty fun. My lovely Artist came over for an unplanned sleep over due to her front tail pin feel off. We got to ride in a lovely mans toe truck as well. Thank you Mister Josh! <3

Also, Below is not only the funny comic about the antics but Two of the three guys Arow gets to "hang out" with.  <3~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More Fan Art

Hey everyone, short post today. Just more fan art by our friend Jafar. This is her DA if anyone would like to have a look.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Arow, age 5

Hey everyone, We'll try to be posting ever day or so for a bit till we can get you some comic up. The script is being worked on this morning again btw. (yah!) and we might have the first chapter up at some point or at least start posting once a week. <3 we'll see. annnways! Enjoy the art below.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Random Fan Art love

Good morning all, So I've been kicking around a site called Tinierme and a lovely lady by the name of Espiy drew this of us! Oh, if anyone wants to find me there my Username is Raven Squire. And if anyone would like to do fan art GO FOR IT! :D! Much Love. Elary.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sugar Cube art teasers! 01

OMG guys look! Art! All of this work is © Kierstin LaPatka. Hope you all enjoy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sugercube Comics Set up GO!

Hey everyone.

This is going to be the home of out new comic called Sugar Cube. Its a odd romance/life story comic. Please sit back and enjoy.

Art by Kierstin LaPatka

Writing by Elary Wakefield
